README for "Determining if There Is a Medical vs. Human Factors/Experience Risk Tradeoff in Pilots Operating Under BasicMed [supporting dataset]" dataset. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) 2023-11-28 ---------------------------------------------------------------- LINKS TO DATASET ---------------------------------------------------------------- A. Dataset archive link: ---------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY OF DATASET ---------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of the study is to determine if there is a medical vs. human factors/experience risk tradeoff for pilots operating under BasicMed. The hypothesis would be that, while the rate of mishaps caused by medical factors is greater for older pilots, the rate of mishaps caused by human factors is lower for these pilots. METHODS. The analysis followed three steps: (1) examine the ratio of medically caused mishap rates to human factors/experience caused mishap rates for BasicMed pilots by age decade, (2) examine the similar ratio of medically caused mishap rates to human factors/experience caused mishap rates for 3rd class medical certificate pilots by age decade, and (3) compare the mishap rate ratios determined in steps 1 and 2 among age decade. ---------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------- A. General Information B. Sharing/Access & Policies Information C. Data and Related File Overview D. Methodological Information E. Data-Specific Information for: Determining if There Is a Medical vs. Human Factors/Experience Risk Tradeoff in Pilots Operating Under BasicMed [supporting dataset] F. Update Log ---------------------------------------------------------------- A. GENERAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Title of Dataset: Determining if There Is a Medical vs. Human Factors/Experience Risk Tradeoff in Pilots Operating Under BasicMed [supporting dataset] 1. Description of Dataset: The purpose of the study is to determine if there is a medical vs. human factors/experience risk tradeoff for pilots operating under BasicMed. The hypothesis would be that, while the rate of mishaps caused by medical factors is greater for older pilots, the rate of mishaps caused by human factors is lower for these pilots. METHODS. The analysis followed three steps: (1) examine the ratio of medically caused mishap rates to human factors/experience caused mishap rates for BasicMed pilots by age decade, (2) examine the similar ratio of medically caused mishap rates to human factors/experience caused mishap rates for 3rd class medical certificate pilots by age decade, and (3) compare the mishap rate ratios determined in steps 1 and 2 among age decade. 2. Dataset archive link: 3. Authorship Information: Principal Data Creator or Data Manager Contact Information Name: Greenhaw, Richard, (0000-0002-9863-7821) Institution: Civil Aerospace Medical Institute Address: Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Bldg. 13 (CAMI), Room 135D 6500 South MacArthur Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73169 Email: Data Distributor Contact Information Name: Greenhaw, Richard, (0000-0002-9863-7821) Institution: Civil Aerospace Medical Institute Address: Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Bldg. 13 (CAMI), Room 135D 6500 South MacArthur Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73169 Email: Organizational Contact Information Name: Greenhaw, Richard, (0000-0002-9863-7821) Institution: Civil Aerospace Medical Institute Address: Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Bldg. 13 (CAMI), Room 135D 6500 South MacArthur Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73169 Email: 4. Date of data collection and update interval: 2017-2019 5. Geographic location of data collection: United States ---------------------------------------------------------------- B. SHARING/ACCESS & POLICIES INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0. Recommended citation for the data: United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Aviation. Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (2023). Determining if There Is a Medical vs. Human Factors/Experience Risk Tradeoff in Pilots Operating Under BasicMed [supporting dataset]. 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: None 2. Was data derived from another source?: No 3. This document was created to meet the requirements enumerated in the U.S. Department of Transportation's 'Plan to Increase Public Access to the Results of Federally-Funded Scientific Research' Version 1.1 << >> and guidelines suggested by the DOT Public Access website << >>, in effect and current as of December 03, 2020. ---------------------------------------------------------------- C. DATA & RELATED FILE OVERVIEW ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. File List for the collection A. Filename: OC 17.6 Dataset.xlsx Short description: Complete dataset with Data Dictionary B. Filename: Data_Dictionary.txt Short description: Text document with the data dictionary seperated from the Excel workbook. C. Filename: OC 17.6 Dataset.csv Short description: CSV version of the dataset. D. Filename: 95450_README_20231128.txt Short description: The document you are reading now. An informational document about the dataset. E. Filename: 95450.json Short description: This is the metadata file that contains important document information. This file is in DCAT US v1.1 schema. ---------------------------------------------------------------- D. METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Flight hour counts for 3rd Class Medical pilots are based on reported flight hours for last six months from most recent medical exam. Hours are reported by the pilots are not independently measured. Annual hours are extrapolated from those reported for the most recent six months. Flight hour counts for BasicMed pilots are based on those 3rd Class Counts. Since BasicMed requirements do not include the same level of medical examination or reporting there is no direct basis for determining BasicMed hours flown by pilot. The three-year period, 2017 through 2019, yields a useful, representative sample of mishap and flight hour data. The BasicMed program began in 2017, so no BasicMed data before that year. The pandemic caused the years 2020 and 2021 to be anomalous in terms of flight. hours, and flight and mishap data after 2021 is currently incomplete. The analysis followed three steps: (1) examine the ratio of medically caused mishap rates to human factors/experience caused mishap rates for BasicMed pilots by age decade, (2) examine the similar ratio of medically caused mishap rates to human factors/experience caused mishap rates for 3rd class medical certificate pilots by age decade, and (3) compare the mishap rate ratios determined in steps 1 and 2 among age decade. 2. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Spreadsheet software such as Excel, or any program that can open and read CSV files. ---------------------------------------------------------------- E. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. OC 17.6 Dataset data table A. Number of variables (columns): 31 B. Number of cases/rows: 24 C. Each row represents: BasicMed, 3rd Class, Age Groups, and percent of pilots. D. Data Dictionary/Variable List: Included in seperate text file and original Excel workbook. E. Missing data codes: S S = Appropriate Skip R = Refused D = Don't Know ---------------------------------------------------------------- F. UPDATE LOG ---------------------------------------------------------------- This 95450_README_20231128.txt file was originally created on 2023-11-28 by Peyton Tvrdy Data Management and Data Curation Fellow, 2023-11-28: Original file created